StayTuned Podcast
We have created a safe space to talk about the high of life-love-family-health-tragedy and anything else we can think of! A place to question it all, promote healing, growth and of course LOVE!" Because we all understand that even in our darkest times we all need something to look up too! So... StayTuned!"
52 episodes
What was your Favorite Verzuz Battle? Erykah & Jill TPain & Lil JonX and Uncle SnoopNelly and LudaTeddy & Uncle BabyfaceTo name a few!On Friday tune in as Brooke, Dwan, V and ...
Season 5
Episode 6

Tell me the truth...In the beginning stages of a friendship/dating, are we truly laying out, all of our expectations? It seems as if all of forever's are starting out, with no mention of what we really want, need or ...plainly put, ...
Season 5
Episode 4

So... were all hoping that the House and the Senate will eventually get it together and make a decision (shrugs shoulders**) In the meantime, tune in as Z, Brooke and V discuss how to secure the money that we have during the PAN...
Season 5
Episode 3

Season 5!Were back and in the mix of everything! Honestly We missed you guys!Tune in as Brooke, Dwan, Z and V discuss the state of the world; in a this two part EP.Press Play!Let's Get it! StayTuned!
Season 5
Episode 2

Season 5! Were back and in the mix of everything! Honestly We missed you guys! Tune in as Brooke, Dwan, Z and V discuss the state of the world; in a this two part EP. Press Play!Let's Get it! StayTuned!
Season 5
Episode 1

New Intro Alert!
As we gear up for Season 5...I figured there couldn't be a better time than NOW, to drop the Hotttest Podcast Intro that I have ever heard. My dope freaking husband has blessed this TRACK! From start to Finish, this Intro was e...
Season 5
Episode 1

Tune in as Brooke, Drace, Z and V discuss the balance you find from being rejected. How maturity plays a role in how you process your rejections, how telling people no; has become a dangerous thing and what your brain tells you once you've been...
Season 4
Episode 14

Baggage Claim Part II/ ETFTOM & ST Mashup!
I had the pleasure of being featured as a guest speaker on The Extraordinary Thoughts for the Ordinary Minds Podcast, hosted & created by the talented Demetrius Thigpen. I hope you guys enjoy as Meech kicks back an picks-my-brain! Its a...
Season 4
Episode 13

Deal Breakers: Pon De Replay!
Deal Breakers:Pon De Replay!This show originally aired on October 6, 2017. Til this day, this is one of my favorite shows. LOL, I feel like I say that alot!Tune is a Z, Dwan and V discuss their no non sense deal breaker...
Season 4
Episode 12

Baby Mama:Pon De Replay!
This episode originally aired on November 14, 2018.Tune in as V, Mel and Z discuss the difficulties behind co-parenting in the midst of a shaky relationship, perception vs reality, keeping your ish together and remaining true to oneself...
Season 4
Episode 11

Tune in as Brooke, Z and V talk about everything! No seriously, I'm not playing. Were talking about everything! LOL! From Mr. Willllssson going viral, redirecting your energy, F-Boi Fall, give and take in Sex Ed, being a Hot-Girl year round and...
Season 4
Episode 10

Father Figures
Your'e in for a real treat! Tune in as I, discuss fatherhood with Dwan, King and our very special guest Dracey, on their terms! Navigating through life when your fatherless, the bond between a father and their child, self care and the stigmas t...
Season 3
Episode 9

Fair One: Pon De Replay!
In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, StayTuned will re-air “Fair One”; in honor of Jennifer Renee Smith. The showed originally aired on November 3rd of 2017. Featuring Jennifer's' Twin sister Shannon. Shanno...
Season 3
Episode 8

Rules Of Dating: Pon De Replay!
Tune in as the original gang-Mel, Z and I (It's me V), featuring our special guest Gats, discuss the keys to a successful relationship. Whose paying on the first date, when is it save to check-in, social media, texting and calling preferences a...
Season 4
Episode 8

Tune in as V, Brooke, and our special guest Charles... aka King, discuss the real definition of a man, social pressures, finding our way to a healthy norm, fertility struggles, standing tall in your decisions and last but not least... the real ...
Season 4
Episode 7

Tune in as V, Brooke, Z and our special guest Charles... aka King, discuss self reflection and how to handle character flaws when your in a relationship.Of course Charles acts like a complete clown on the mic! But we were able ...
Season 4
Episode 6

Tell me is blood really thicker than water? Tune is as we discuss how to stand your ground within your family unit, not cussing out your parentals, co-dependency, oh and more codependency, telling your family no in a nice way, and how ...
Season 4
Episode 5

Baggage Claim!
Tune in as Veronica, Brooke, Z and our very special guest, the Host of the Extraordinary Thoughts for the Ordinary Mind, Meech, tackle the pains behind carrying such a heavy load.
Season 4
Episode 4

The Measure
V, Brooke, Z and our special male guest Korey dive in the conversation about drawing comparisons between yourselves and other people.
Season 4
Episode 3

I believe this to be my favorite episode! Tune in as my very special niece and I kick back and discuss the sometimes hard decisions, that every 10 year old today maybe faced with. The importance behind making her parents proud, the inspiration ...
Season 4
Episode 2

The gang is back! Tune in as Z, Tiera, Brooke and Veronica dive into the discussion of true connection within friendships. How to determine if your a good friend or better yet if you have good ones, breaking into something new and knowing when ...
Season 4
Episode 1

A Woman's Ego, A Man's Temptation
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who tried to change you? Are we choosing our mates based off of potential or patterns? From porn star government names to healthy relationship expectations. Tune in as Kev, Z and Veronica tackle...
Season 3
Episode 7